
Setting Up Your GitHub Pages Site at the Root URL of Your Organization

Setting Up Your GitHub Pages Site at the Root URL of Your Organization

GitHub Pages is an incredibly useful tool for hosting websites directly from a GitHub repository. It’s particularly popular among developers for hosting project pages, blogs, and documentation. However, when setting up a site within a GitHub organization, one common question arises: How do you set up the site to be accessible directly at https://[organization] without an additional repository path?

Understanding the Default GitHub Pages URL Structure

By default, the URL structure for GitHub Pages sites is https://[username or organization][repository]/. This is straightforward for personal pages but can be confusing for organizational pages, especially if you want a clean URL without the repository name.

Renaming Your Repository for a Cleaner URL

To have your site accessible directly at https://[organization], here’s a simple but effective solution:

  • Rename your repository to [organization] For an organization named gptaction, rename your repository to This special naming convention is recognized by GitHub and will serve your pages directly at the root of your organization’s GitHub Pages URL.

Steps to Follow

  1. Go to your GitHub repository: Navigate to the repository you are using for GitHub Pages.

  2. Rename the repository: Change the repository name to [organization] In our example, this would be

  3. Update Branch Settings: Make sure you are deploying from the correct branch, usually main or gh-pages.

  4. Revise Internal Links: If your site contains links or paths that reference the old repository name, update them to reflect the new structure.

  5. Propagation Time: After making these changes, give GitHub some time to update your site. The changes aren’t always instant.

  6. Check Custom Domain Settings: If you’re using a custom domain, ensure your DNS settings are correctly configured.


With these simple steps, you can have your GitHub Pages site running at a cleaner, root-level URL. This not only looks more professional but also simplifies the URL structure for your visitors.

Remember, GitHub Pages is a powerful tool for hosting - understanding and utilizing its features effectively can greatly enhance your project’s visibility and accessibility.

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